The Business of Being Human

New Mindsets for Being your Best

Episode Summary

Unlearning old patterns and learning new practices. In this Era of New Possibility, we are ripe for making big and small shifts that will allow us to GROW. It’s possible to let go of old, unproductive patterns and open up to adapting new skills that aid in our flourishing. Where do we even begin!?!?

Episode Notes

Unlearning old patterns and learning new practices.

In this Era of New Possibility, we are ripe for making big and small shifts that will allow us to GROW. It’s possible to let go of old, unproductive patterns and open up to adapting new skills that aid in our flourishing. 

Where do we even begin?

In this episode, Christine and Wendy offer ways in which you can make changes that will help you become a better human and better leader. It is a journey of inner work that you can start today. 

First, Christine and Wendy introduce us to the concept of unlearning. They detail how we can create more space for new, helpful and supportive patterns. They share what we have to unlearn: limiting beliefs, social pressures, our fears and more. Then they dive into the action steps of unlearning:  how to center yourself, stay grounded, and listen to your intuition through developing rituals and practices that help you stay the course. In this work, you gain clarity, freedom, and confidence that can permeate all aspects of your life beyond work.

What habit or programming are you ready to unlearn today? Let us know! We would love to journey with you as you evolve and create new ways of being in the world.

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