The Business of Being Human

Expanding Awareness in Business: A Conversation for Leaders, Teams, and Companies with Adriana Popescu, Ph.D. PT2

Episode Summary

Today’s The Business of Being Human discussion is part two in a series of discussions around the importance of team alignment through individual and team awareness. When a team is truly aware of each other’s strengths and growth opportunities, the effectiveness in realizing a company’s mission, vision, strategy is exponential. Shared understanding brings new partnership and synergy that helps move teams and organizations towards the impact they seek.

Episode Notes

Today’s The Business of Being Human discussion is part two in a series of discussions around the importance of team alignment through individual and team awareness. When a team is truly aware of each other’s strengths and growth opportunities, the effectiveness in realizing a company’s mission, vision, strategy is exponential. Shared understanding brings new partnership and synergy that helps move teams and organizations towards the impact they seek.

In this episode, Christine and Wendy continue their conversation with Dr. Adriana Popescu. Dr. Popescu is a licensed clinical psychologist and empowerment coach with over 25 years of experience in the mental health field. 

Christine, Wendy and Dr. Adriana Popescu discuss the metaphor of seeing an organization as a living system and how leaders and team members can engage differently, once developing awareness to see their organizations this way.  All speakers in this episode offer insight on operating as a living system and how to navigate in these times of uncertainty.

Communication is key to expanding awareness and offering opportunities for all voices to be heard is essential. Asking questions beyond achieving quarterly goals, etc. but offering opportunities for feedback to know what’s going on in the minds of those who work for the organization.

Here’s a great way to start your next team meeting that allows you to dig deeper in the minds and hearts of your team members:

Each person goes around the zoom screen, room, or table and shares their answer and when complete saying, “And…With that…I’M IN!”

Beyond offering these questions, the organization’s role is to create safety, openness and transparency so that they can foster bi-directional conversations with honest feedback. Those simple shifts will create seismic shifts in growth and sense of belonging, starting your journey to operating your organization much like a generative living system.

To learn more about Dr. Adriana Popescu, go to You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. She also has a podcast Kaleidoscope of Possibilities: Alternative Perspectives on Mental Health.

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