The Business of Being Human

Brand Energy - The Power of Purpose

Episode Summary

Branding has become a forefront term in the lexicon of business development. But do we truly understand the impact or resonance our brands create? Are you tapping into the full potential of the energy of your brand?

Episode Notes

Branding has become a forefront term in the lexicon of business development. But do we truly understand the impact or resonance our brands create? Are you tapping into the full potential of the energy of your brand?

In this episode, Christine is joined by Lisa Hardy who is Intune Collective’s Chief of Brand Strategy. Christine and Lisa explore the meaning and importance of branding and how they go about helping clients amplify the power of a brand. They define what a brand is and how Intune approaches brand communication for their clients. 

Christine and Lisa also discuss how much branding has changed, moving through consumer appeal to authentic ownership of a company’s core purpose. This candid conversation will give you insight and inspiration on how to better facilitate the power of your brand in your business.

You can learn more about Intune Collective, their branding approach, and other services at  Check out The Power of Branding: Our Inside-Out Approach on Intune Collective for more ideas on how to integrate the principles discussed in this episode. You can follow Intune Collective at @intunecollectivesf on Instagram, @intunecollective on Facebook and @intunesf on Twitter.